Soy (Glycine max) is an annual herbaceous plant in the legume family and is grown as an oilseed plant in Canada. The majority of soybeans are processed into oil, but there is also a large volume of soybeans (non-GMO) that is destined for food (tofu, miso) in various highly specialized markets. Cerela dedicates its genetic improvement efforts to non-GMO soybeans. Our varieties are well adapted and used by agricultural producers in several soybean production regions including Canada, the United States and some European Union countries.
Year Variety code Commercial name
2021 CLS10-001,153 CANSTAR
2021 CLS11-005,084 MONDO
2021 CLS11-005,1082 MALART
2021 CLS12-001,007 RICHMOND / LS00840HP
2022 CLS13-005,001 RAYMOND
2023 CLS15-044,003 LS0440HP

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